Theme: Cashflow, Investment, Personal Development for children
Awarded ‘People’s Choice’ – 2019 – Game Type: Non-Digital
AFORTUNADAMENTE (a play on words in Spanish) or MIND YOUR FORTUNE, is an agile and intuitive board game designed for children from 9+ to help them develop Financial Capabilities, which are a result of knowledge, skills and attitudes towards money (OCDE/INFE, 2017) along with their personal development physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and behavioural, and the awareness of social impact. This game begins with the presentation of the players: their name, a talent, a goal, a cause, and a business. Then they play on a board similar to Snakes and Ladders where, in each box, they may earn or loose money, or make investment decisions that will let them go up -as a ladder-. The first player reaching the final box wins. However, if someone goes bankrupt he/she must restart. During the game there are personal development challenges that will help them to advance and recover from failures faster.

Theme: Strategy
Allocate Strategic Thinking Simulation
Finalist – 2019 – Game Type: Non-Digital
Allocate Strategic Thinking Simulation (now called ThinkInsight) is a competitive team-based simulation set in the renewable energy industry where teams pit against each other to secure buyer contracts and manage finite resources while attempting to achieve revenue targets. Scenarios are introduced throughout the simulation that will disrupt the teams’ strategies. Throughout the simulation participants will be understanding and implementing, adapting both rational & emergent strategies from a strength-based perspective and align opportunities to their respective strengths. This allows participants to have the right focus and make adjustments to a critical action-plan. At the end of the simulation, participants will be able to integrate strategy, capitalize on aligned opportunities and have the ability to fit plans to the team’s capacity.

Theme: Change Management, Innovation, Strategy
Awarded ‘Most Significant Scope’ – 2016 – Game Type: Non-Digital
AutoKOREKTA training game is a robust training in flexibility and openness to change. It simulates work in an organization where success is determined by the ability to adapt to new situations, openness to improvement and flexible teamwork. Supported by many companies and facilitators, to date, over 500 people have participated in AutoKOREKTA workshops. During the game, participants experience many aspects of change, at both a personal and group level. In in a short period of time, they gain new experiences which – after discussing with the coach – allows them to understand the need for change and helps shape their attitudes towards change more consciously. Simple fixes, time pressure and an atmosphere of team competition, trigger emotions which guarantee a high degree of commitment during the game. AutoKOREKTA can be used in the implementation of innovations as well as when presenting expected directions of development.

Theme: Change Management, Process Management
Bedaux Car Assembly Game
Awarded ‘Most Ambitious Game’ – 2017 – Game Type: Non-Digital
This game has been specially designed to encourage participants to learn and apply the principles of Kaizen, continuous improvement, lean process design, leadership and teamwork. Players (8 – 23 in one game) compete as one team operating in a highly demanding market. Their world is competitive and mistakes are punished severely. This is a physical game. No computers, no game boards, just real people building real cars. Ambitious “takt times” make the game dynamic. Excitement, fun, and lots of laughter add an extra dimension to the game making a sessions with it a teambuilding event. The game can be played by people at all levels of an organisation from the “shop floor” to Executive Board. No specific prior knowledge required. Due to its cross-functional set-up, it is ideally suited to play together with supply chain partners. Required time is a minimum of 4 hours; most common is 2 half-days.

Theme: Strategy, Communications
Bedaux Mythical Mailbox
Finalist – 2018 – Game Type: Non-Digital
Mythical Mailbox players are challenged as one team to bring a complex assignment to a successful conclusion: the special physical set-up and composition of a mythical creature. Because they are limited in their communication in different ways – which they will experience as very lifelike – a playful productive atmosphere arises that gives this game a great fun factor with a serious undertone at the same time. This enables them to:
- Experience the need of cooperation between professionals to achieve results
- Demonstrate the effectiveness of Lean Communication
- Experiment with structured communication
- Develop personal communication skills
Mythical Mailbox is for a minimum of five players and, using multiple game sets, an unlimited number of players can play simultaneously. Comparing results between groups adds a competitive dimension which contributes to the fun and which can strengthen learning effects during debriefing. A minimum of 45 minutes in needed per game and, depending on a session’s learning objectives and interactions, longer may be required.

Theme: Change Management
Change Navigator
Awarded ‘Game of the Year’ and ‘Most Original Game’ – 2017 – Game Type: Non-Digital
Change Navigator is a game about change management for leaders that collaborate to achieve a successful change process. It is used by companies worldwide in both network and course contexts, and as a process tool in specific change projects. The game is case-based, allowing you to focus on change either in a private company, a hospital or a municipality. It can also be tailored with a co-created custom case. Change Navigator is based on an extensive theoretical and practical knowledge. It links the players’ own experiences with theory, challenging habitual thinking, creating a shared terminology in the organization and providing new realizations. Change Navigator puts players into a simulated change project. During a game session (2-8 hours) 3-7 players are introduced to the full complexity involved in change management. The game creates an overview of the process and challenge leaders’ to take action. Currently, Change Navigator is available in English, Danish, German, Polish and Lithuanian

Theme: Recruitment, Competence Dignosis
Competence Game
Finalist – 2017 – Game Type: Digital
Competence Game is a virtual assessment – the first online game that effectively measure business competences. Thanks to its innovative – method based on many years of research – the report at the end of the game is accurate, reliable, and credible. Competence games combine team work with competition and clearly define goals within strictly defined rules. In the game, the administrator has the ability to register decisions and actions taken by the participant. They also get feedback- we learn the strengths of the participant and suggested development directions. The game gives you the opportunity to verify a candidate’s real behavior ensuring the accuracy of the report. Before entering the market, Competence Game went through a two-level measurement. The first one accomplished using the Dillon-Goldstein rho coefficient, which assessed the level of reliability of the results obtained in the game. The second one was accomplished through a series of comparative studies with the use of the Development Center method, which determined how accurately the game measures competences. The research was carried out for 2 years, it was completed on the group of 1500 subjects and it has been proven that by using online games in certain areas one can get a more detailed report of the competences of a given subject.

Theme: Sales & Customer Service, Customer Experience, & HR Management
Create Powerful Moments
Finalist – 2019 – Game Type: Non-Digital
Create Powerful Moment concerns Customer Experience Management combined with internal organisational situations with the purpose of making interactions with clients and colleagues become truly memorable moments. The game consists of highly flexible components that can be translated into scenarios across different businesses. Create Powerful Moment is about learning how to create strong and positive moments with customers, and thus how to transform your business by crafting new customer experience beyond expectations. The game lets you craft different moment while also being challenged to manage the uncertainty and conflicts within the company as well as with external partners and clients. No matter what type of internal or external conflict you may be confronting, this is where your real-life training begins. With this game you empower your staff to be able to create powerful moments.

Theme: Design Thinking
Entrepreneurial Thinking
Finalist – 2018 – Game Type: Non-Digital
Entrepreneurial Thinking is an experiential game-based activity that embodies gameplay and game design to mediate the design thinking learning process. First, learners play a board game designed to provide an introductory experience in entrepreneurship. The game is played taking turns in which a player makes up to four decisions to respond to market demands, ensure profitability, and outperform competitors. The decisions encompass topics such as investment, marketing, and production that should be adapted to changes in the economy. The main board represents the market, and a personal board represents the player’s company. In the second step, the students are invited to redesign the game they just played and to apply various other perspectives to the original game. They are also encouraged to identify real market mechanisms and elements and use and adapt them in their design. Entrepreneurial Thinking is entirely contextualized to provide an immersive experience and motivated learning.

Theme: Economic Environment, Monetary Policy, Strategy
European Monetary Union Policy Game
Finalist – 2019 – Game Type: Digital
This simulator aims to raise awareness of the importance of the European Central Bank and to represent the effect that decisions of the member countries have on monetary supply. Each group of students will represent one of the member countries or a representative of the ECB Executive Board. Through a series of turns, news events that will affect the EU are shown on a central screen. After discussing these events as a class, each representative will place their votes about whether to raise, maintain or decrease the interest rate. Feedback is provided in the form of data about the main economic indicators. The structure of the simulation allows it to be played at various levels of depth. This implies that it can be used as an introduction to monetary policy for MBA students as well as managerial economics students that already have some background in monetary policy.

Theme: Recruitment process, HR Management
HIGHER – License to Recruit
Finalist – 2019 – Game Type: Digital
With HIGHER – License to Recruit, you align your recruitment process through a simulation game with a special focus on avoiding typical bias in order to increase diversity in the organisation. The game takes the player through 5 stages, each with an informational animation in between to recap the learning points and enable the player to retry the exercise, if needed. This ensures that the recruitment manager gains knowledge and experience about the importance of diversity while applying these. The games lets the HR Management and recruitment team gain experience with a best practice model that enables them to hire new employees with a high level of diversity. Having a diverse staff ensures a strong organisation with a large portfolio of inhouse skills and experience. HIGHER has a specific focus on bias and diversity, as recent research shows that these factors have a direct impact on the company profit.

Theme: Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management
Hubro Marketing Simulation
Awarded ‘Chair’s Choice’ – 2019 – Game Type: Digital
Hubro Marketing turns students into managers of a jetpack productions company. It bridges the gap between theory and practice by letting them make a marketing plan for their company, and then executing it. It’s a competitive environment which gives the students a deeper understanding of how concepts like segmentation, the marketing mix and strategy connect, and also shows how other disciplines like finance and operations affect a company’s marketing. The simulation is web-based and can easily be customized to the specific needs of different courses. It takes 3-30 hours to play, depending on how you choose to set it up. More than 10,000 students from Hong Kong to Reykjavik have used Hubro Marketing to date.

Theme: Business History
Mississippi Bubble Game
Finalist – 2019 – Game Type: Non-Digital
The Mississippi Bubble game simulates a real financial bubble that occurred in 18th century France. Played by over one hundred undergraduate students of international business each semester in a commercial history course, the game teaches students about the process of financial globalization, as well as the specific causes of financial bubbles. Working in teams, players must study the historical case of the Mississippi Bubble in order to figure out the best strategy for winning the game. During the game, players interact with a series of institutions — a bank where they can borrow money, a “workshop” where they earn money, auctions through which they buy and sell shares, and a company that issues dividends — all of which are linked in real time through an online platform. The game takes about an hour to play and requires several volunteers to fully operate.

Theme: Culture, Intercultural Management
Moving Tomorrow
Finalist – 2019 – Game Type: Digital
Moving Tomorrow is a serious video game series aimed at enhancing players’ intercultural understanding and their diversity competence. It is designed for students and professionals who are currently working internationally or are likely to do so in their future careers. In the game, players have to make decisions that affect the development of the story, but Moving Tomorrow is not just a more fun and entertaining way to learn about intercultural management. The scientific content is always accompanied by a practical example, which helps to increase the memorability and the transferability of the learning contents. Thus, while playing the game, the players learn about the different layers of culture (national culture, organizational culture, group culture), cultural diversity, cultural dynamics and how the cultural environment affects individuals by shaping their values or schemata.

Theme: Innovation, Creativity
Finalist – 2018 – Game Type: Non-Digital
Outta This World! is an accelerated innovation challenge, where you’ve got only 90 seconds to leverage to invent world changing products/experiences that help (people, plants or animals) in a variety of places (on land, in the water, underground, in the air, in outer space), by utilizing your limited supplies (remember, you’re traveling through space) to invent new products/experiences that your competitors will want to invest in. Made in the USA by kid inventors! Great for strengthening creativity and innovation.

Theme: Leadership, Team Management Training
Awarded ‘Game of the Year’ – 2016 – Game Type: Digital
Pacific is a survival adventure that challenges the player to escape with a team from a desert island where they are stranded following a crash. The chances of escaping with their lives will depend on the user’s ability to manage and motivate the team. It is an online training based on a simulator that recreates real-life leadership situations in order to allow players put team management skills into practice. Pacific’s content is based on the experiences of the world’s top executives and managers. It has been developed on the basis of hundreds of interviews conducted with the CEOs, executives and senior managers of large global corporations over a period of 12 years. The lessons learned have been incorporated into a set of useful and practical tools for managing people and teams.

Theme: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Strategy
Playing Lean
Awarded ‘Most Original Game’ – 2016 – Game Type: Non-Digital
You can read about aerodynamics, but it won’t teach you how to fly. You can, however, learn how to fly in a flight simulator. It is a risk-free environment where pilots-to-be can make wrong decisions without damaging expensive equipment or causing loss of life. Playing Lean is a “flight simulator” for innovation and Lean Startup. It’s an enjoyable board game where players are forced to make difficult choices without risking their life savings or the future of their workplaces. The worst-case scenario is a humiliating defeat at the hands of your colleagues (quite scary, actually).

Theme: Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Circular Economy, Innovation, Strategy
Awarded ‘Non-Digital Game of the Year’ – 2019 – Game Type: Non-Digital
The Risk&RACE business game offers an exciting and hands-on experience with the opportunities and challenges of the circular economy. It is a table top board game, designed to induce an entrepreneurial mind-set and introduce players to entrepreneurial decision making and circular economy business models. And of course, it is also fun and challenging, just as a game should be!

Theme: Change Management, Professional & Leadership Development, Commercial Skills Improvement
Awarded ‘Digital Game of the Year’ – 2019 – Game Type: Digital
ROCKET is a business simulation game for teams. It blends a cutting-edge cloud-based simulation engine, physical assets and a facilitated experience, compressing 26 weeks trade into 26 minutes. Participants are tasked with taking a failing business, turning it around, and scaling it up. They experience the elation, frustration, stress and excitement of running a business and seeing the real-time impact of their actions. ROCKET is underpinned by experiential learning theory to transform behaviours in support of your learning and change outcomes. The ROCKET experience includes frantic collaboration, introspective reflection, transformational planning and strategy setting. It is enabled by real-time web dashboards which let participants understand impacts and change their path. ROCKET can be used to develop teams, assess performance, improve communication, build commercial awareness, support business transformation, increase customer empathy and has many other applications.

Theme: Project Management / Risk Management / Collaboration
Thinking Hats
Finalist – 2019 – Game Type: Non-Digital
Thinking Hats is an RPS (Role Playing Simulation) designed to dramatically increase the speed at which the payers, employees in your organisation, learn new project management concepts. Through the use of active learning, and other psychology of learning tools, Thinking Hats also ensures the effective transfer of these newly learned skills to job tasks and activities. Through playful experimentation, players learn how to use the tools and techniques your organisation has developed for the managing of constant change in project-based environments.

Theme: Process Management
Trip Game
Finalist – 2018 – Game Type: Non-Digital
What if trainees traveled through Europe, while they were discovering and developing interpersonal skills, leadership and motivation? This is what TripGame proposes, a way of bringing the concept “gamification” into the context of face-to-face training for 6 to 12 people. To be able to “buy” transportation tickets to travel, players have to respond to challenge cards, which focus on training content. Along the way, there are opportunities and adversities to manage. There is mystery, competitiveness and cooperation. By using this game as the centerpiece of the pedagogical itinerary, the training is focused on trainees. The testing effect is used to enhance learning and promote experience sharing in an extremely dynamic and fun environment. Training with TripGame can last anything from from 4 hours to 3 days (depending on content). The game can be used in other training contents, simple by changing its card sets.

Theme: Project Management
Unlock: Project Management
Finalist – 2018 – Game Type: Digital
Winner of the Learning Technologies Awards Best Learning Game 2017, and the GALA Awards 2017 Best Game for Business, Unlock Project Management is designed to encourage players to think like Project Managers using high pressure single-player scenario-based gaming whilst covering project management skills needed at Level 2 training. Deal with stakeholders, project scope, planning, issue management, risk management, reporting and balancing to deliver a project on time and to budget, meeting all stakeholder needs.