Paula Requeijo

Paula Requeijo


Paula is responsible for the Leader’s Academy Experience, the New Learning Experience for Top Executives of Santander Group. As a member of the Global Learning, Development & Talent Team, she is devoted to transform the traditional ‘push’ model used in the development of the leaders, into a model of continuous learning experience, which allows every Santander Citizen to design their own unique learning journey, leveraging the knowledge ambition of each single employee.

Passionate about people, training and human relations, Paula has developed her professional career within different industries, starting in insurance, where she was responsible for the Department of Foreign Clients of Groupama Seguros y Reaseguros, SA. She has been Commercial Director in several fairs of the Trade Fair Institution of Madrid (IFEMA), such as Manutec, Exponautica, and Fitness. In the Santander Group she has dedicated a large part of her career to people and their training, going from working with the interns in the Group, to designing the onboarding process, to currently take care of the Training and Development of Santander Corporate Leaders.

Blaz Branc

Blaz Branc


Blaz is the founder and CEO of Baltazar Marketing and has worked for clients such as Porsche, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung, Toshiba, Astellas Pharma, Studio Moderna, and Austrian Airlines. Since 2014 he has been delivering training courses and workshops on topics including entrepreneurship, marketing, product re-engineering, live experience design, and business game design.

He is an aficionado of educational Larps (Live Action Role Playing games) and has co-created over 20 scenarios, which he has used to train and mentor numerous international training course participants. In 2017, he created the learning game Digital Shift in collaboration with Deloitte.

Blaz holds a BA in Sociology and human resources management and is the author of Imagine This, a book on the power of Edu-Larps in corporate training, which was published by the Danish firm, Rollespilsakademiet, in March 2018.

Helen Routledge

Helen Routledge


Chief Executive of Totem Learning, Helen is one of the most sought after learning games designers in the world. She is author of the acclaimed book ‘Why Games Are Good For Business’ and is known for creating award winning, effective and engaging gamified solutions with proven ROI that improve learning and development. Her work has contributed to shaping the Game Based Learning market.

Although CEO of Totem Learning, at heart Helen is an Instructional Games Designer who specializes in the design and development of engaging gamification and serious games that leverage behavioural and cognitive theories with a particular focus integrating learning content and the motivational aspects of good game design. Helen holds a BSc in Psychology (Abertay University, Scotland) and has received a number of awards including, in April 2018, both the Judges’ Recognition Award and the Achieves Internationally Award from the UK organisation Woman Who.

Lars Hoffmann

Lars Hoffmann


Lars was a Learning Architect at Henley Business School – where he also taught personal development to executive MBAs – until March. He is now with the Network of Corporate Academics. He has worked as a management consultant for Gartner Group and Nykredit and has founded two companies within game-based learning; Games & Theory and ADEO. Lars serves as a guest lecturer at the University of Copenhagen and as external examiner at both Aarhus University and at the Technical University of Denmark. He has designed well over 40 games for learning and change in large organizations and is serving as a judge for the 2018 International Business Learning Games Competition.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Copenhagen as well as numerous certifications in psychometrics tests and learning tools. His interests include sports, science and playing all kinds of board games. Since 1999, Lars has designed well over 40 analogue games for learning and change in large organizations.

Paul O'Connor

Paul O’Connor


Paul is the founder and Principal of SCENARIO, a Serious Games company that designs and facilitates bespoke scenario exercises, business wargames, megagames, matrix games, and historical wargames to enable businesses, organisations and educators to “think and experience the unthinkable”.

An experienced design thinker, strategist, innovation specialist, facilitator and trainer, Paul pivoted a 15-year career as a professional architect and business owner when he moved into Business Innovation Management. He was a founding partner of Ireland’s first Competitive Intelligence and Business Wargames consultancy, POLUS Intelligence, is the former Head of Immersive Engagement at KATAWAVE, and has also served as the Innovation Ecosystem Development Manager at Accenture’s new global Centre for Innovation in Dublin’s Silicon Docks.

Pere Juarez Vives

Pere Juarez Vives


Pere is a Professor at the University of Barcelona who focuses on entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, design thinking, and agile Learning methodologies. He uses games and Lego® Serious Play® for all his executive training assignments. Pere has also taught at IESE Business School, Toulouse Business School, and LATAM Business School. Before entering academia, Pere worked for Philips where – among other things – he developed and facilitated High Performing Teams in Knowledge and Innovation Management. He served as an International Business Learning Games Competition judge in 2017.

Pere holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Barcelona, a MSc in Computer Science from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and a PhD in Educational Innovation from the University of Barcelona. He is a qualified Excellence Assessor, a Certified Lego® Serious Play facilitator, and a Fellow of the Business Excellence Institute.

Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen



Simon is the Founder and CEO of Serious Games Interactive which is one of the leading companies in the field. He is an award-winning game developer and one of the world’s leading thinkers in the learning games space. Over the years he has been involved in developing over 100 games for clients including LEGO, Maersk Group, Opel, Siemens Wind Power, the World Bank and Cambridge Assessment. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur and founding Serious Games International, he spent 5 years as an Assistant Professor at IT University of Copenhagen.

Simon holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in Psychology (University of Copenhagen) as well as a PhD in Psychology (IT University of Copenhagen). He has published several books and over 40 academic articles on the use of games for learning.